Legal References
MENA Business GmbH
AHK-Büro Berlin
Charlottenstr. 24
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49-(0)30-20 64 81 77
Managing Directors:
Martina Ziebell
Bassant Helmi
Register court:
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
HRB 189099 B
Tax ID: DE227110825
Responsible for content acc. § 55 II RStV:
Martina Ziebell
MENA Business GmbH
Charlottenstr. 24
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49-(0)30-20 64 81 77
We create our Internet presence with the utmost care and take care not to violate - especially not intentionally - applicable law. In the event of warnings against applicable law, we ask that you contact us in advance to avoid unnecessary litigation and costs. Possible cost notes of the lawyer's warnings without the previous establishment of contact are rejected since the damage minimization obligation was hurt. We react to unjustified warnings and/or cease-and-desist declarations with a negative declaratory action.